First of all we must know the types of fear, there are two types of fear; Normal and Abnormal fear.
Normal fear: You hear an automobile coming down the road, and you step aside to survive. The momentary fear of being run over is overcome by your action. All other fears were given to you by parents, relatives, teachers, and all those who influenced your early years. Normal fear is good.
Abnormal fear: There are people who are afraid that something terrible will happen to to them or their children, and that some dread catastrophe will befall them. When they read about an epidemic or rare disease, they live in fear that they will catch it, and some imagine they have the disease already. All this is abnormal fear, abnormal fear is not good.
· Master technique for overcoming any particular fear.
The following is a process and technique for overcoming fear, which I teach from the platform. It works like a charm. Try it!
Suppose you are afraid of the water, a mountain, an inter-view, an audition, or you fear closed places. If you are afraid of swimming, begin now to sit still for five or ten minutes three or four times a day, and imagine you are swimming. Actually, you are swimming in your mind. It is a subjective experience. Mentally you have projected yourself into the water. You feel the chill of the water and the movement of your arms and legs. It is all real, vivid, and a joyous activity of the mind. It is not idle daydreaming, for you know that what you are experiencing in your imagination will be developed in your subconscious mind. Then you will be compelled to express the image and likeness of the picture you impressed on your deeper mind. This is the law of the subconscious. You could apply the same technique if you are afraid of mountains or high places. Imagine you are climbing the moun-tain, feel the reality of it all, enjoy the scenery, knowing that as you continue to do this mentally, you will do it physically with ease and comfort.
· Deliver yourself from all your fears
Use this perfect formula for casting out fear. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. The Lord is an ancient word meaning law--the power of your subconscious mind. Learn the wonders of your subconscious, and how it works and functions. Master the techniques given to you in this chapter. Put them into practice now, today! Your subconscious will re-spond, and you will be free of all fears. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
· Step this way to freedom from fear
1. Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain. Say to yourself and mean it, “I am going to master this fear,” and you will.
2. Fear is a negative thought in your mind. Supplant it with a constructive thought. Fear has killed millions. Confidence is greater than fear. Nothing is more powerful than faith in God and the good.
3. Fear is man’s greatest enemy. It is behind failure, sickness, and bad human relations. Love casts out fear. Love is an emotional attachment to the good things of life. Fall in love with honesty, integrity, justice, good will, and success. Live in the joyous expectancy of the best, and invariably the best will come to you.
4. Counteract the fear suggestions with the opposite, such as “I sing beautifully; I am poised, serene, and calm.” It will pay fabulous dividends.
5. Fear is behind amnesia at oral and written examination time. You can overcome this by affirming frequently, “I have a perfect memory for everything I need to know,” or you can imagine a friend congratulating you on your bril-liant success on the examination. Persevere and you will win.
6. If you are afraid to cross water, swim. In your imagina-tion swim freely, joyously. Project yourself into the water mentally. Feel the chill and thrill of swimming across the pool. Make it vivid. As you do this subjectively, you will be compelled to go into the water and conquer it. This is the law of your mind.
7. If you are afraid of closed places, such as elevators, lecture halls, etc., mentally ride in an elevator blessing all its parts and functions. You will be amazed how quickly the fear will be dissipated.
8. You were born with only two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of noise. All your other fears were acquired. Get rid of them.
9. Normal fear is good. Abnormal fear is very bad and de-structive. To constantly indulge in fear thoughts results in abnormal fear, obsessions, and complexes. To fear some-thing persistently causes a sense of panic and terror.
10. You can overcome abnormal fear when you know the power of your subconscious mind can change conditions and bring to pass the cherished desires of your heart. Give your immediate attention and devotion to your desire which is the opposite of your fear. This is the love that casts out fear.
11. If you are afraid of failure, give attention to success. If you are afraid of sickness, dwell on your perfect health. If you are afraid of an accident, dwell on the guidance and protection of God. If you are afraid of death, dwell on Eternal Life. God is Life, and that is your life now.
12. The great law of substitution is the answer to fear. What-ever you fear has its solution in the form of your desire. If you are sick, you desire health. If you are in the prison of fear, you desire freedom. Expect the good. Mentally con-centrate on the good, and know that your subconscious mind answers you always. It never fails.
13. The things you fear do not really exist except as thoughts in your mind. Thoughts are creative. This is why Job said; the thing I feared has come upon me. Think good and good follows.
14. Look at your fears; hold them up to the light of reason. Learn to laugh at your fears. That is the best medicine.
15. Nothing can disturb you but your own thought. The suggestions, statements, or threats of other persons have no power. The power is within you, and when your thoughts are focused on that which is good, then God’s power is with your thoughts of good. There is only one Creative Power, and It moves as harmony. There are no divisions of quarrels in it. Its source is Love. This is why God’s power is with your thoughts of good.
Quote of the day: Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher and poet, said, “Do the thing you are afraid to do, and the death of fear is certain.”
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This contents in this blog are practically applicable in you daily life.This blog is specially on 'Spirituality' and 'Businesses' and can be applied by everyone,there is no any age restriction here.when you apply contents in your daily life,you will experience a great change very soon in both internal and external environment.But remember, make sure you must apply it.
Monday, July 8, 2019
Friday, July 5, 2019
How to break or build a habit using your subconscious mind
If you are new to my blog then readers are highly requested to read out my previous blog on how to remove mental blocks and how much do you want what you want. Where you will know what your subconscious is and how it works.
How to break or build a habit
You are a creature of habit. Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. You learned to swim, ride a bicycle, dance, and drive a car by consciously doing these things over and over again until they established tracks in your subconscious mind. Then, the automatic habit action of your subconscious mind took over. This is sometimes called second nature, which is a reaction of your subconscious mind to your thinking and acting.
You are free to choose a good habit or a bad habit. If you repeat a negative thought or act over a period of time, you will be under the compulsion of a habit. The law of your sub-conscious is compulsion.
How he broke a bad habit
Once a man said to Joseph Murphy, “An uncontrollable urge to drink seizes me, and I remain drunk for two weeks at a time. I can’t give up this terrible habit.”
Time and time again these experiences had occurred to this unfortunate man. He had grown into the habit of drinking to excess. Although he had started drinking of his own initiative, he also began to realize that he could change the habit and establish a new one. He said that while through his will power he was able to suppress his desires temporarily, his continued efforts to suppress the many urges only made matters worse. His repeated failures convinced him that he was hopeless and powerless to control his urge or obsession. This idea of being powerless operated as a powerful suggestion to his subconscious mind and aggravated his weakness, making his life a succession of failures.
Joseph Murphy taught him to harmonize the functions of the conscious and subconscious mind. When these two cooperate, the idea or desire implanted in the subconscious mind is realized. His reason-ing mind agreed that if the old habit path or track had carried him into trouble, he could consciously form a new path to freedom, sobriety, and peace of mind. He knew that his de-structive habit was automatic, but since it was acquired through his conscious choice, he realized that if he had been conditioned negatively, he also could be conditioned positively. As a result, he ceased thinking of the fact that he was powerless to overcome the habit. Moreover, he understood clearly that there was no obstacle to his healing other than his own thought.
Therefore, there was no occasion for great mental effort or mental coercion.
· The power of his mental picture
This man acquired a practice of relaxing his body and getting into a relaxed, drowsy, meditative state. Then he filled his mind with the picture of the desired end, knowing his sub-conscious mind could bring it about the easiest way. He imagined his daughter congratulating him on his freedom, and saying to him, “Daddy, it’s wonderful to have you home!” He had lost his family through drink. He was not allowed to visit them, and his wife would not speak to him.
Regularly, systematically, he used to sit down and meditate in the way outlined. When his attention wandered, he made it a habit to immediately recall the mental picture of his daughter with her smile and the scene of his home enlivened by her cheerful voice. All thisbrought about a reconditioning of his mind. It was a gradual process. He kept it up. He persevered knowing that sooner or later he would establish a new habit pattern in his subconscious mind.
I told him that he could liken his conscious mind to a camera, that his subconscious mind was the sensitive plate on which he registered and impressed the picture. This made a pro-found impression on him, and his whole aim was to firmly impress the picture on his mind and develop it there. Films are developed in the dark; likewise, mental pictures are developed in the darkroom of the subconscious mind.
Focused attention
Realizing that his conscious mind was simply a camera, he used no effort. There was no mental struggle. He quietly ad-justed his thoughts and focused his attention on the scene before him until he gradually became identified with the picture. He became absorbed in the mental atmosphere, repeating the mental movie frequently. There was no room for doubt that a healing would follow. When there was any temptation to drink, he would switch his imagination from any reveries of drinking bouts to the feeling of being at home with his family. He was successful because he confidently expected to experience the picture he was developing in his mind. Today he is president of a multimillion-dollar concern and is radiantly happy.
· He said a jinx was following him
Mr. Block said that he had been making an annual income of $20,000, but for the past three months all doors seemed to jam tightly. He brought clients up to the point where they were about to sign on the dotted line, and then at the eleventh hour the door closed. He added that perhaps a jinx was following him.
In discussing the matter with Mr. Block, I discovered that three months previously he had become very irritated, annoyed, and resentful toward a dentist who, after he had promised to sign a contract, had withdrawn at the last moment. He began to live in the unconscious fear that other clients would do the same, thereby setting up a history of frustration, hostility, and obstacles. He gradually built up in his mind a belief in obstruc-tion and last minute cancellations until a vicious circle had been established. What I fear most has come upon me. Mr. Block realized that the trouble was in his mind, and that it was essential to change his mental attitude.
His run of so-called misfortune was broken in the follow-ing way: “I realize I am one with the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind which knows no obstacle, difficulty, or delay. I live in the joyous expectancy of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work of the infinite power of my subconscious cannot be hindered. Infinite intelligence always finishes successfully whatever it begins. Creative wisdom works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever I start, I bring to a success-ful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order.”
He repeated this prayer every morning before going to call on his customers, and he also prayed each night prior to sleep. In a short time he had established a new habit pattern in his subconscious mind, and he was back in his old accustomed stride as a successful salesman.
1) Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. There is no greater evidence of the marvelous power of your sub-conscious than the force and sway habit holds in your life. You are a creature of habit.
2) You form habit patterns in your subconscious mind by repeating a thought and act over and over again until it establishes tracks in the subconscious mind and becomes automatic, such as swimming, dancing, typing, walking, driving your car, etc.
3) You have freedom to choose. You can choose a good habit or a bad habit.
4) Whatever mental picture, backed by faith, you behold in your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind will bring to pass.
5) The only obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image.
6) When your attention wanders, bring it back to the con-templation of your good or goal. Make a habit of this. This is called disciplining the mind.
7) The only jinx that follows anyone is a fear thought re-peated over and over in the mind. Break the jinx by know-ing that whatever you start you will bring to a conclusion in divine order. Picture the happy ending and sustain it with confidence.
8) To form a new habit, you must be convinced that it is desirable. When your desire to give up the bad habit is greater than your desire to continue, you are fifty-one per-cent healed already.
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How to break or build a habit
You are a creature of habit. Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. You learned to swim, ride a bicycle, dance, and drive a car by consciously doing these things over and over again until they established tracks in your subconscious mind. Then, the automatic habit action of your subconscious mind took over. This is sometimes called second nature, which is a reaction of your subconscious mind to your thinking and acting.
You are free to choose a good habit or a bad habit. If you repeat a negative thought or act over a period of time, you will be under the compulsion of a habit. The law of your sub-conscious is compulsion.
How he broke a bad habit
Once a man said to Joseph Murphy, “An uncontrollable urge to drink seizes me, and I remain drunk for two weeks at a time. I can’t give up this terrible habit.”
Time and time again these experiences had occurred to this unfortunate man. He had grown into the habit of drinking to excess. Although he had started drinking of his own initiative, he also began to realize that he could change the habit and establish a new one. He said that while through his will power he was able to suppress his desires temporarily, his continued efforts to suppress the many urges only made matters worse. His repeated failures convinced him that he was hopeless and powerless to control his urge or obsession. This idea of being powerless operated as a powerful suggestion to his subconscious mind and aggravated his weakness, making his life a succession of failures.
Joseph Murphy taught him to harmonize the functions of the conscious and subconscious mind. When these two cooperate, the idea or desire implanted in the subconscious mind is realized. His reason-ing mind agreed that if the old habit path or track had carried him into trouble, he could consciously form a new path to freedom, sobriety, and peace of mind. He knew that his de-structive habit was automatic, but since it was acquired through his conscious choice, he realized that if he had been conditioned negatively, he also could be conditioned positively. As a result, he ceased thinking of the fact that he was powerless to overcome the habit. Moreover, he understood clearly that there was no obstacle to his healing other than his own thought.
Therefore, there was no occasion for great mental effort or mental coercion.
· The power of his mental picture
This man acquired a practice of relaxing his body and getting into a relaxed, drowsy, meditative state. Then he filled his mind with the picture of the desired end, knowing his sub-conscious mind could bring it about the easiest way. He imagined his daughter congratulating him on his freedom, and saying to him, “Daddy, it’s wonderful to have you home!” He had lost his family through drink. He was not allowed to visit them, and his wife would not speak to him.
Regularly, systematically, he used to sit down and meditate in the way outlined. When his attention wandered, he made it a habit to immediately recall the mental picture of his daughter with her smile and the scene of his home enlivened by her cheerful voice. All thisbrought about a reconditioning of his mind. It was a gradual process. He kept it up. He persevered knowing that sooner or later he would establish a new habit pattern in his subconscious mind.
I told him that he could liken his conscious mind to a camera, that his subconscious mind was the sensitive plate on which he registered and impressed the picture. This made a pro-found impression on him, and his whole aim was to firmly impress the picture on his mind and develop it there. Films are developed in the dark; likewise, mental pictures are developed in the darkroom of the subconscious mind.
Focused attention
Realizing that his conscious mind was simply a camera, he used no effort. There was no mental struggle. He quietly ad-justed his thoughts and focused his attention on the scene before him until he gradually became identified with the picture. He became absorbed in the mental atmosphere, repeating the mental movie frequently. There was no room for doubt that a healing would follow. When there was any temptation to drink, he would switch his imagination from any reveries of drinking bouts to the feeling of being at home with his family. He was successful because he confidently expected to experience the picture he was developing in his mind. Today he is president of a multimillion-dollar concern and is radiantly happy.
· He said a jinx was following him
Mr. Block said that he had been making an annual income of $20,000, but for the past three months all doors seemed to jam tightly. He brought clients up to the point where they were about to sign on the dotted line, and then at the eleventh hour the door closed. He added that perhaps a jinx was following him.
In discussing the matter with Mr. Block, I discovered that three months previously he had become very irritated, annoyed, and resentful toward a dentist who, after he had promised to sign a contract, had withdrawn at the last moment. He began to live in the unconscious fear that other clients would do the same, thereby setting up a history of frustration, hostility, and obstacles. He gradually built up in his mind a belief in obstruc-tion and last minute cancellations until a vicious circle had been established. What I fear most has come upon me. Mr. Block realized that the trouble was in his mind, and that it was essential to change his mental attitude.
His run of so-called misfortune was broken in the follow-ing way: “I realize I am one with the infinite intelligence of my subconscious mind which knows no obstacle, difficulty, or delay. I live in the joyous expectancy of the best. My deeper mind responds to my thoughts. I know that the work of the infinite power of my subconscious cannot be hindered. Infinite intelligence always finishes successfully whatever it begins. Creative wisdom works through me bringing all my plans and purposes to completion. Whatever I start, I bring to a success-ful conclusion. My aim in life is to give wonderful service, and all those whom I contact are blessed by what I have to offer. All my work comes to full fruition in divine order.”
He repeated this prayer every morning before going to call on his customers, and he also prayed each night prior to sleep. In a short time he had established a new habit pattern in his subconscious mind, and he was back in his old accustomed stride as a successful salesman.
1) Habit is the function of your subconscious mind. There is no greater evidence of the marvelous power of your sub-conscious than the force and sway habit holds in your life. You are a creature of habit.
2) You form habit patterns in your subconscious mind by repeating a thought and act over and over again until it establishes tracks in the subconscious mind and becomes automatic, such as swimming, dancing, typing, walking, driving your car, etc.
3) You have freedom to choose. You can choose a good habit or a bad habit.
4) Whatever mental picture, backed by faith, you behold in your conscious mind, and your subconscious mind will bring to pass.
5) The only obstacle to your success and achievement is your own thought or mental image.
6) When your attention wanders, bring it back to the con-templation of your good or goal. Make a habit of this. This is called disciplining the mind.
7) The only jinx that follows anyone is a fear thought re-peated over and over in the mind. Break the jinx by know-ing that whatever you start you will bring to a conclusion in divine order. Picture the happy ending and sustain it with confidence.
8) To form a new habit, you must be convinced that it is desirable. When your desire to give up the bad habit is greater than your desire to continue, you are fifty-one per-cent healed already.
Readers are highly requested to leave your feedback in comment box👇
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