Friday, August 30, 2019

The 10x rule and 10x thinking

This blog is going to be little bit short because I will cover just concept of 10x rule and 10x thinking. I will not provide you any blue print today because you will understand by yourself that what it means and how it works and how you can apply it in your life. And remember again, it can be applied by anyone, in any profession and there is no any age restriction.

# 10X RULE:

10x rule says that, if you want to achieve wny result, then you have to work 10 times more harder than your expectation. For example: If you want to make 50,000 sales in one year, then you have to multiply the effort you think it will take, by 10. Sometimes it seems that working 4 hours is enough to get your result, but its not true, you might have to work 8 hours a day either consciously or unconsciously. And if not, if you get the result without taking 10x action, then CONGRATULATIONS! because it doesn't happen again and again, it is very rare.


10X thinking says that, for example: If you want to make 1 million dollars than you have to multiply it by 10 (i.e 1×10=10 million dollars) and figure out steps and efforts it takes, and then work on it. Even if you fall down to earn 10 million dollar, then there's a pretty high chance you'll be above your original goal (i.e 1 million dollars).

When you apply 10x rule in your thinking and then applying 10x rule in your action, success is guaranteed because it deadly combination when 10x rule and 10x thinking comes together. There is also a book written on 10x Rule by 'Grant cardone', free book is also available in internet. If you are interested in reading more on this topic then you can read it.

QUOTES OF THE DAY: Don't be confused by what look's like luck to you. Lucky people don't make successful people; people who completely comit themselves to success seems to get lucky in life.
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